This Week in Review | The Twenty-Seventh

Monday Greetings Friends 🙂

It’s been a week of novelty this week for me…


WWW Wednesday | The Twentieth

Cover Reveal | FAITHFUL by Michelle Hauck

Faith’s Friday Fiction | Empowered


I’ve made decent progress editing Pirate Eyes. I have about ten chapters left to go through, and I’m hoping to be done my August 31st in time to focus on my new project in September. Worse comes to worse, I’ll balance the two until it’s done. I haven’t had a chance to type up the edits I’m making my hand, but I can tell that I’ve cut at least another 2k! So progress 🙂

On a different, less exciting note, I didn’t make it into #PitchWars. But I’m not disappointed. Quite the opposite; I feel impassioned and ready to find the next opportunity to get Pirate Eyes out into the world!


Well, I finally caved and got myself an account on Instagram. I’ve been posting a lot there lately about my bookish habits and writing endeavours. I’m just experimenting at the moment, but I’m hoping to hone my camera skills through it and sharing more exciting images with you all! If you are on Instagram, why not connect HERE with me!

Here are some of the photos I’ve posted so far:


I also recently got myself an account on Netflix so that I can finally binge watch Daredevil, Jessica Jones Stranger Things.

So far, I’ve only watched two movies on it: Jersey Girl & Mockingjay Part 2. I’m not sure why I watched the former. I had been hoping for a cute and light viewing, but the acting was subpar at best and the story line too shallow for my liking.

I watched the second Mockingay film only because I had already watched the first three and wanted to see how they brought the final half of the last book to life. It was just as disturbing as I expected it to be. Grim and dark. The complete opposite of a feel-good movie. It was a good film, not my favourite in the series, but it did justice to the books which I suppose is the main thing.

What have you been up to this past week? Anything new happen in your life? Anything exciting? Inspiring? Share in the comments. 

Have a beautiful week!

May inspiration flow like ink upon your quill,

Faith    quill-ink

7 thoughts on “This Week in Review | The Twenty-Seventh

  1. It sounds like you’re making great progress on Pirate Eyes, I love your attitude towards it all! I really enjoyed Stranger Things, I sat down and binge-watched it. The acting was superb, the entire thing was fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s a bummer that Pirate Eyes didn’t make it into #PitchWars. But it’s also good that you’re continuing to progress on edits. And like Holly said, you’ve got the right attitude. Every failure is only temporary; you have to stay positive.

    Mockingjay Part 2… *sigh* I decided a while ago to skip it, and your review convinced me to stick with that choice. Mockingjay was already my least favorite book in the Hunger Games trilogy, and I was NOT happy with their idea to split it into two films. Nor did I like Part 1, either. Too slow, and too much filler that wasn’t in the book. :/

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’ve got such a commendable attitude towards Pirate Eyes and PitchWars! Too many people give up when things don’t blow up overnight on their first attempt, I’m glad you’re not one of them 🙂 It’ll be all the better for it!
    I must have missed some of those pictures on Instagram, will try to catch up later 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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