Got Any Sevens? | 7-7-7 Tagged

Hi all,

It seems a smart choice for my 1st post of 2016 to center around my top priority of this year: that is The Divided Draft!  

Mollie at Mollie’s Musings tagged me to do this in her post last year (aka 2 days ago) 😉 You should definitely check out hers here!

The task: post 7 lines, from the 7th paragraph, on the 7th page or chapter of your work in progress. 

Here it is then. My first excerpt from the novel that will be my debut some time this year. I don’t know why I feel nervous posting it. Deep breath, Faith, and…

Sean lacked his confidence. The last time she had disappeared, it had taken them well into the late evening to find her sitting by a deserted beach, cold and tired. “You stay here, and see what more you can get for the wares. When you’re done, head back to the ship.”

Stepping away from the booth, Sean moved to enter the crowd. Red offered him a quick, last warning as he did: “Don’t be too harsh on her, Captain.”

Sean threw off the suggestion.

I now welcome any of you who haven’t yet been tagged to feel free to share your words if you so please. And be sure to let me know if you do!

May inspiration flow like ink upon your quill,


© 2015. Faith Rivens.

12 thoughts on “Got Any Sevens? | 7-7-7 Tagged

  1. Yay! I’m so glad you did this. I completely understand your hesitation in posting. I’m the same way with Unrung Bell. It’s difficult to share a personal piece of your soul with others. I’d almost be concerned if we weren’t nervous in sharing because I fear it would mean we don’t care as much as we should.
    I’m looking forward to reading much much more 🙂

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  2. Nice excerpt, definitely piques my interest. Have you ever posted a synopsis, either brief or lengthy, about this novel? I’m curious about some things now, and would love to read what it’s about.

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      1. Can you at least tell me the genre? I’m curious if we’re talking spaceship or ship on the ocean in this excerpt. If you don’t want to, I understand, but that was my main question.

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      2. I didn’t take it as evasiveness. I understand holding it close to your chest; I’ve dealt with that a lot myself. When I read the excerpt, I was imagining a Firefly-esque scenario; that’s why I asked about the genre.

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